Saturday, November 30, 2013

Like a forrest fire, Meant to renew and refresh.

Do give a listen.  

  Tho it is very destructive,  and traumatizing,  a good Forrest fire has it's purpose.  I burns away the old making way for the new.     Sometimes the trees that were scorched even start to grow new life from their stumps.  It's the same tree,  just cleansed and reborn.

  Much like a phoenix rising from the ashes to live a new life.

  One is still burning for me,  so I will relocate until the fires die,  until the life returns and nurture what has started to grow.   This new location,  is definitely going to challenge the pant's off me.   I stand poised and ready for it.  No matter the outcome I will swing until I own it,  At least in part.

  I am still and will be licking the wounds I have both had inflicted and inflicted on myself as of late,  as I know wounds i have inflicted on others are healing as well.  So,  that is what I am doing now.  Not just from the last few months.  The last 3 years are still oozing a little and need time.  So Wrapping up all the damaged areas,  closing them for admittance until remolding is done.

  I am allowing myself to indulge in the things I have kind of been afraid to lately.   I am considering taking on a sissy more regularly, More than considering hes on his way over.    I am also doing the dating thing....  with a different pace and dance step.  Newly learned and still perfecting the moves.

But then that is the fun in it all.  Practice,  Don't take things so seriously.

  Just felt a flow and wanted to put it out there.   Getting ready for company and time with some friends tonight.  Beer,  boys, and beautiful Florida weather.

  What is there really to be upset over?

Nothing I can control.  *Tosses it to the wind*

 Stay Open My Friends!

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