Friday, November 22, 2013

An Ode to Farmer Bob, Thank you for the perspective old man.

  Last night I spent a little time,  since I had some to spare,  with TheShocker, Mr Content and Farmer Bob.  We drank a few and talked.  Ironically I didn't talk all that much.  Mr Greyer was, even tho he was gay,  women do not speak over men.  You let them finish.  Then you are told you can speak.   This didn't bother me too much.   This night however i was challenging him.   I reminded him, (thanks to some vodka and sprite)  exactly what it is women were are and always will be to the world.

The Backbone.

  For those of you who did not read my IMOM blog, TheShocker is a lawyer friend I met a few months ago.  Hes become a very good friend.    His neighbor,  I'll call him,  Mr,Content,  be cause he repeats a lot he has NO troubles in his life right now.  Bob,  a 78 year old gay man who I have been helping out as kind of a personal assistant.    See he was legally blind.  He needed a spare set of eyes.  He even interviewed me.  When i approached him for the first time,  I had to giggle.

  HE was seated in his very stylish Walker/chair combo legs crossed and smoking a Full Flavor menthol Pall Mall.   TheShocker and MrContent looked a lil' too serious for my tastes.   Tho a look in TheShockers eye told me it was all in good fun.

"Lilith sit down, This is Mr Greyer, and he wants to interview you for the job."  Already just a bit drunk I could tell and peering over his cigarette at me,  tho you could tell he didn't see a whole lot.

"Oh, oh is this her?  Oh yes my dear have a seat,  I have some things to ask you and these two handsome boys,"  he said waving the same hand he was holding the cigarette between his fingers in their direction.  "This is my Board of Directors,  They will have to make the final decision."

 I laughed and looked at TheShocker,  he winked back at me and I knew what I had to do.  I crossed my legs and folded my hands over my knees.

"Yes Sir?  What do you want to know?

  At first he was very serious.

"I will speak concisely and with meaning,  I will speak exactly what Is needed no more,  you do exactly as I tell you and we will work wonderfully."  He lit another cigarette , only getting the flame close enough to the tip to start it smoking.  The flame never touched.

"You see dear I am blind,  I need someone to help me organize.   To help me with correspondence and to help me get my bills paid sorted and filed away,  how organized are you?"

  I had to laugh at this question.  I can organize very well.  Gimme a day and I will organize the hell outta a space.   I just have a hard time keeping it that way.  That's exactly what I told him.  He laughed and choked on his cigarette.

"Well at least she's honest"  He said  "Do you think you can handle that?"

"Absolutely!"  I smiled and told him about my past exp in Home Care and Nursing home care.   He smiled at me and went silent for a bit.  TheShocker and MrContent cracked some jokes about being a Sexretary.   Bob broke the silence with a sick laugh.

 "Oh oh oh no wait,  Let me speak without interruption,"  everyone went quiet.  "Don't worry dear,  I am gay as the day is long and you don't have the equipment,  but I might have you drive me to a bar sometimes to pick me up a cutie."  For me at this point,  I knew he and I would be great friends.  He was,  for the short time I knew him, quite the perfect companion.

We Negotiated a wage and got to work.   The next morning I came to find him sitting on the couch watching the news,  and knocked on the door Jam.

"No!  no no,  what time is it dear?  Exactly the time no rounding up."

"It's 7:23 am Captain."

"What time were you to be here?"

"8:00 am"

"Go outside I am not ready for you yet.  Got to keep it on track,  or the day just goes to hell."

  So I went outside and smoked a cig,  listening to some music and trolling Facebook on my phone.

He asked me what kind of music I liked as he felt around for the dials on his van stereo.   "I love it all Captain."  The radio came on Far too loud,  his fingers poking around must have hit the volume up.  it scared him to giggle fits.

"Do you have any on you?"  he asked.  SO I took out my phone and put the blue tooth to work.  I have a song I play on repeat when I do my walking.   I started that again recently and i am gonna do it more and more.   But the song it has the perfect beat.  Morphine - Early to Bed.     Well its what played.   At first i said ill find something better.   He shook his head.

"No I like this,   Who is this and do they have many records?"   I laughed at "records"  and said they had a few.  He had me play a few,  he liked a lot of em but in the end said most seemed so depressing.   But there were 3 he requested regularly while on the road.

Morphine - Early to Bed

Morphine - You Look like Rain.

Morphine - French Fries with Pepper

He also often liked to listen to heavy club and house.  Me and Farmer bob rolling around Lauderdale bobbin our heads to some rave music.   It was the day's he liked classical playing,  that i loved the most.  For some reason when that music played he was calm and Cool.    Music fueled his biggest personality trait,  Passion. 

 He was passionate about many things.  Politics, God (but not religion),  Sex and flirting.   He loved to help people,  and he did so by having them help him.   TheShocker told him I was trying to save some  money.  Get into my own place and on my feet.   Hence I ended up working for him, in a way.  Yes I organized and helped him blind friendly his home.  Lil black dots just to the side of the button that puts 30 seconds on the cook time for every time you hit it.  YAY now he can nuke his Wendy's Small Chilli with extra hot sauce!  

  HE was a man on the edge..  *chuckles*

  Most of all he wanted the company.  He didn't want to be alone.   He had so much to share,  old people sometimes talk a lot want to be heard.   But,  this is because there are all those years of Knowledge.   Knowledge that he wishes he had at our ages.   We all should stop and listen more often.  Somehow people always stopped and listened.  He commanded that kind of attention.  No matter where we were.  People always stopped and listened.

  Well This morning I woke up and made my coffee.   Goin to Delray,  Bob needs his treatment and more than likely a lil Wendy's on the way home.  Poured my coffee put that song on loop and started my morning trek to his house.  It's a beautiful walk,  I don't care how tired, grumpy, or depressed I could be.  Taking that walk was enough to have me in chipper places inside!   

  He was slow moving,  very much so.  But he had been up very late with us.   After a long nap in the early afternoon.   Slow but moving!  It needs to be said.  This man never stopped moving.   You gotta admire that.    

 I drove em out for his treatments,  came home and made sure his house was unlocked.   Door open so he could get inside.   He sat out and listened to his car radio.  I hugged him and told him I would be there bright and early tomorrow for his appointment.  I walked home to start work in half hour.  

I got through 2 calls.   TheShocker called me over and over again.   I was on the phone with customers. doing my  Full time job.   finally in a break I notice TheShocker sent me a text.

"He passed away"

I walked faster and harder than I ever walked that walk.  Crying all the way there.   When I turned the corner I saw a police car and as I came to the back of it I saw a yellow blanket over bob on the ground.  That typical pull the cover over the head if it dies.  I really cried for a bit after seeing that.  Laying where I hugged him and went off to work.

 Police asked me some questions.  Kinda paced a lot.  I wasn't sure how to process it.  I really only knew the guy for a couple weeks.  Just so wise.  really truly wise.  He got used tho, a lot because of it.  Even he would say it.

  "I get used I know it,  but at least it put a smile on their face!"

I am angry tho,  his body laid on the pavement for hours.  Covered in a yellow blanket.  We played his absolute favorite song as they bagged him up.  


 We must have listened to it 20 more times while we sat out at the table 

I don't want to be alone tonight,  i didn't.  I have been for a while now.  But tonight,  I really wish I could have someone to talk to.   For the first time in a while,  I don't.  No one.  Good thing I have numbed out, or this would hurt a shit load more than it does.

He will be missed. HE is an inspiration and will be even now, in the memories and the stories people will share. 

I chose a pic to post that reflects who Bob was. And who he will remain in the memories of everyone who came into contact with him.

Farmer Bob, he loves to laugh, and make people laugh!

RIP Farmer Bob, you will be missed.

Keep giving gratitude my friends.

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