Thursday, November 28, 2013

Today is just another day, and that's OK.

  I guess there are a few things I can say are positives about growing up one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  For one,  days like today, holidays are less likely to depress us if we find ourselves alone.   Growing up a JW these days really were just another day.  

  This year I am working On Thanksgiving.  Not that I got any invites anyway.  Ironically its OK.  If the last 2 years have been anything its been a crash course in how little you should rely on others presence to be happy.   I  have become quite good at finding happy within me.  I have found I am less in need of others around than I thought.  Lately it's been preferable.  

  I am not saying I do not miss people.   I do, very much.  I have also come to the point in my life where I will not beg,  grovel, whine or plead to get people to be with me or my friend.    I will not sacrifice my own integrity,  do or say anything that is against what I know inside to be true.

Ain't no one got time for that!

  So today I am gonna work my 12 hr shift and then play me some games.  Wake tomorrow to another every day kinda day and smile through it.    I really am Good with or without.

  While you all hang with your friends and family,  eat food and gossip/talk about the world and people around you.  Remember to give thanks for the good as often as you moan about the bad.  Remember that there are people out there who would be elated to have your problems.  Especially if they are because of all the friends you have around you.  

  Today I am thankful for a lot of things.

 My freedom to do, go, and be whoever I want.  No strings to hold me down
My Job and future financial stability
My own real sense of purpose.  
My Friend Tim who has unconditionally helped me out as of late
My dog prince.  Still the most loyal friend I have had.
My broken heart,  which
 is teaching me to survive without and appreciate what I have.

Stay Thankful My Friends!


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