Thursday, December 12, 2013

I cannot tell a lie. (or shouldn't)

  This lesson was learned the hard way today for me.    I met someone from a dating site for the first time.   Seemed  charming,  until he got inside.   Before I knew it he had me against the wall.  Gripping my shoulders,  and digging his nails in.   It all happened so fast.  I am not even sure how its possible I hurt as much as I do right now.     Even my dog tried to defend me,  which was odd for him.   He grabbed the guy by the pant leg,  and when he did this fucker kicked him across the room.   My lil defender:

  He was a bit stronger than I expected,  I did not invite this guy to touch me.  I did the opposite and warned him I am not interested in touch or sex on a first,  second or even a month into dating.   I think this pissed him off.    He pushed me against the wall and knocked my head.  I got a lil dizzey and screamed.  This seemed to scare him off.

"Fuck this,"  and he left. 
once it was over I realized i felt some odd burning on my skin.  He left nasty marks all over my neck back shoulders and chest.  

  I told everyone that I called the cops.   I did not,  I feel bad about lieing about it,  I did it because I didn't want anyone feeling the need to go after him and I didn't want to get lectures on the need for me to do so.  if he comes back,  I will.   In the mean time.  IF ya meet someone on Tagged with the name Herium.   Leave him alone.  Bad apple.  

 So to those I lied to about the cops I do apologize.  All the talk about me being a liar.  Me defending myself and saying I am not.  Then what do I Do?  I lie about calling the cops..  Smart huh?    If he comes back I wont open the door,  I will call the cops and have it done then.  

For those of you who know me and how open I am concerning sexuality and all things concerned,  you know how I can be.   Partially My fault for being so open about it.  As HisRoyalRascalness says.. 

We show too many cards.

And I did.  He saw my hand and went for the win.   So I own that as well.  My part in the whole thing.
BlueShirt told me last night,  something I hate to have to swallow,  he is right.  It is different for women than it is for men.   More dangerous for us as women.  More to loose,  so to speak.  So I am off the site,   all of them.  Too Dangerous too many unknowns.

  I am truly sorry for that Lie.   I own it,  and I apologize.

Stay Honest My Friends

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