Monday, September 15, 2014

What's Love got to do With it?

  I am getting really tired of people's half baked advice on love.   Everyone has something to add.  

"There is no such thing as love at first sight."

"You cannot find love over the internet."

"Love takes time and patience it does not happen quickly"

On the contrary my friends I have found in my time all of these statements are not truth, they are personal views.  In my experience I have seen love come and go as true as the setting sun quick and explosive.  Just because it did not last does not mean it was not love.   I just means it ran its course.

  Love is something people try to define and lay rules and regulations to.   It's sad,  Love is one of those things that cannot be tied down.   Not if it is to grow and bloom properly.   The best of loves are the ones that grow freely, honestly,  and without restraint.  Those are the loves that last.

  I have found myself in a triangle I didn't ever think could really work.   My Master Morpheous,  my "Daddy" of sorts a constant grounding,  a wonderful anchor after so any Tumultuous seas in my life as late,  is slowly helping me to settle and learn to "stop and smell the roses" again.   Last night as we chatted me on his lap and crying over some things that have happened in the past weeks.   I told him I Just needed peace and calm.   My english Gentleman for a Master said.

"Then Stand still"

"Then what?"  I asked

"Stand still some more."  he said,  and I cried.   I feel bad for men.  Some of them get so uncomfortable when tears are shed.   I noticed he did.   He said men aren't trained for tears.  I had to laugh.

Sure they are Master.  That is why you were given such strong arms...  *smiles*

  I went to bed settled.  This man never making sexual advances really.  Little flirts,  and swats, gropes and teases.   But there has not been much in the naughty department with him.  It feels good to be treated so perfectly like a lady.   HisRoyalRascalness,  MyInternationalManOfMystery said I should make sure I find one like this.  Well,  I've found two.   Interesting how karma gets you back huh?  Morpheous is my healer,  My father figure,  my Sir.  

What is it I am being healed for?   Why am I trying to strengthen my will,  My heart,  My soul?  TO receive the second of the two in the triangle...

My Mojo..

His face

Our space

  I have been told there are people to mirror us.  I have thought I felt this mirror type reaction.  But the more I learn about this Dutch born boy the more I realize.  I seriously knew nothing.   Passion,  Intensity,  eloquence even in the face of a language barrier and persistence of this boy matches my own.     I am preparing to be able to add him to my world.   To do it with a strength I have not had in a while.    

  I am slowly learning to believe his eyes and his smile.   His words being met with his actions daily.   When someone you know does nothing but make you smile.  You grab on and you DO NOT LET GO.

Peace and calm.   Yes Toby,  now and finally always.  And it came once I found solitude.  No one no where to cater to.  My turn...

These two men in my are a karmic  Re-Balance.  I know that now.  I am deserving of them and they are deserving of the best in me.   I promise to give it,  even as I am recovering what I have lost in the past few years.   I know some of you will utterly and completely think me crazy.

You know what?


I don't live this life for you.
I live it for me.

Stay Crazy My Friends.

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