Monday, September 29, 2014

No matter where you go, there you are!

  Yep, yer right,  this is a true and overstated fact.  Regardless of how hard my father wants to say it to me as a reason not to consider relocating,  I see it as just as good an argument to do it.  Maybe it isn't you entirely?  Maybe the people you are encountering are just not the type who see things the same as you.  Their views on things are just not the same on a wider scale than you realized.  Maybe an entirely different social and economical backdrop is exactly what is needed?  Maybe,  just maybe you gotta take you somewhere else entirely.  

  The more I look at the people I meld best with I find it is the European/UK types.  There is a different mentality,  a different view on things.   Everything from politics and religion to sex and drugs.  The views that I have experienced in America are very different from that of Europe/UK.  So why not take a peek at the very least?

  Well,  More than a peek. 

  Something about all of this is feeling very right.  Everything is done out of want not need.   At least not a need that is a sustaining need.  Life or death that is.    Without this being considered I would live on in my own just fine!  THAT is why it all feels very right.  In considering this I am not giving up any of that.  Again,  it feels very right.  I am gaining the most amazing and wonderful man who loves and adores me in such a way I have never felt.  I have never thought to deserve.  I have never dreamed to have.

 So again I ask.  Why Not?  Yeah,  I'm making that list.  The pro's and Con's.  Reality is tho, I am single and childless.   I have no responsibilities but my dog and myself.   Simple quarantine for him over there and hes with me again learning to bark in dutch if I decide to stay there.  WHY NOT!?!?!?!   

No reason,  SO I prepare.   Ready or not, here I come.

Stay flexible my friends

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