Thursday, September 25, 2014

No Words.

  There really aren't any to describe my joy in things right now.  I am watching my dutch boy sleep, grinning ear to ear and searching plane tickets for thanks Giving.  Yeah,  he's coming in November, gonna be here in my arms in 2 months time.   For one week,  then he will go home and return at Xmas through New Years, then I am going back with him for a while.   To see Amsterdam and get to Know him better.


 I am so excited, first to finally smell my Mojo,  hug him, hold him,  and feel his reactions.   I need to know what can only be seen in smell,  taste and sound.  I need to know,  this is the oddest and most amazing experience I have had with a man in my life.   If this carries over into a physical space for us.  I am just gonna explode..

  There really are no words to describe it.  It's all new to me,  all of it.   He does everything I have been told time and again a man should do if he loves you,  and his eyes match his actions.  He adores me,  I see it in his eyes.   It burns a little, not in a bad way,  just overwhelmed.  Again,  no words.  It's all in his eyes.

There are other pictures,  but the content is for his eyes only.
This is a pic of me putting on the gift he got me for my B Day.  A Pure Silver pendent says "Little Devil"  Initials on the back.

 In his voice,  in his eyes when I answered Skype this morning and I saw him as the 10 year old little boy who had lost his mom in the store and was half embarrassed he had been crying.   He couldn't get his net to work and he thought he was gonna go another day of us not seeing each other.  It poked the mother in me very hard.  I fell a lil more for him.   He is Passionate and sensitive,  but strong and commanding when he needs to be.   He has balanced unbalance down to a science.   It's almost as if some of our slots were made for each other's pegs.  I can't wait to see how many more fit!

  He has been snapping pics of me in Skype,  at first being sneaky about it.  (Tisk Tisk)   But once I saw the pics,  I cried.   I saw the way he saw me.   I could not believe my eyes.  I did not recognize the woman in some of the photos.   I simply cannot wait to wrap my arms around him.  To thank him for all the wonderful things he has both awoke in me and proven me wrong in.

Thank you for proving me wrong,  thank you for showing me the amazing male that exists out there.  Thank you for finding me worthy to have you.  I love you My Mojo,  with all my heart. 

 There is so much exciting to come for me.  I really do feel like life has just begun again.   I am moved beyond words.  So there are few in this blog entry.  

I sit in awe,  watching him sleep,  knowing he will wake me up in the morning having watched me sleep for a spell.  I cannot wait until our arms are wrapped around each other as we slumber.

A Kiss goodnight,,

My Mojo
My Dirty Boy
My Future,
My Man.
My King.
My Luis

I Love you.

Never give up on Love my Friends!




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