Monday, April 28, 2014

To a rolling boil.

  One thing about my time at TheHouse,  I learned that the best way to annoy the naysayers was to simply survive.   To make your way no matter what it is they believe.  To prove not to them,  but yourself they were wrong.

  This is something I will and have taken with me.   The idea that even if you loose everyone.   You still got yourself.   No one can be as good to you as you deserve,  as yourself.   So be good to yourself.  
But at this point in my telling of this story,  I had not learned that completely.  But I did,

The hard way.

  CellBlockSexy and I began to push the limits of our residence.   Sneaking off to quiet corners of the grounds to get some alone time.   One such time we were out behind the back patio on some chairs under that big knotty tree i loved to look at.    My leg over his, wearing one of the wrap around skirts that was given to me by one of the CNA's there.   Heavy petting,  breaking the monotony and boredom of the day together.    I lifted my leg and put my stocking foot over the crotch of his jeans and he slid his hand up my skirt.   Was nice for a moment.   Then,  TheWickedWitchOfTheWest caught us.      

  We got written up,  First offence.  (there were many more, but we ended up talking our way out of them)   Biggest winning argument happened one night when we,  well,   went farther than we had to date.    

  There was a sun room.  Had four couches in it and a couple chairs.   He and I would hang out on them listening to music and being as close as we could.  Whenever the door opened from the dining room we zipped back to opposite sides of the couch and acted like nothing happened.   There is only so much playing you can do before hormones will over take and lovers will take whatever opportunity they can to be together. 

  This particular night I wore my longest most weighty skirt.   I pulled close to him,  I couldn't take it anymore.  SO much tease no real finish.   We got a wild hair and applied protection and I climbed on.   He liked it when I wore my skirts and no underwear.   For this very reason.  Easy access and if we had to move to separate corners of the ring quickly,  we could and I was covered and he was too in his elastic band pants.  

  I climbed on top,   it was very late so most of the other clients were in bed.  He had warned me that once he gets started its almost impossible for him to stop.  

 Before i knew it the couch was rocking under us.  The look on his face when he peered up at me was all it took for me to rock right to the edge.  I felt him swell inside me.  Both of us ready to blow...   We got caught up.  If the Counselor had not made the mistake of tripping up in the hall on the way to the sun room.  She would have caught us.  

  Next thing I know he tosses me off of him.     Yeah,  like I was just a sack of potatoes no real weight.  I sit with my knees to my chest trying not to pant,  he yanks his pants up and pulls his shirt down.   Both of us flushed,  both of us panting.   

"Whats are you guys doing?"

"Nothing"  we chime in together.

"Don't lie to me I saw you."

"Bull shit we weren't doing nothing."  CellBlockSexy  said through winded words.

"CellBockSexy come with me"   

  As they walked away I started to laugh.   The room smelled like sex.   It was obvious even if she didn't see us,  it was dead obvious.   The only sex that room had seen was gay men,  so heterosexual sex smell.   Unmistakable,  I had to laugh.

CellBlockSexy came back and said not to worry,  just go and be respectful.   I did,  part of me wishes I had listened to this woman when she spoke.   She was right,  part of me knew it then.

"Lilith what are you doing?  You are better than this,  worth more than this.   Do you think he will be there later?  He's bored,  your bored,  This is not the place to start this.   I have to write you up.  This is against TheHouse rules."   She sent me back to the sun room and he and I sat there thinking.

"I want to see the hand book."   he said still hard through all of this.   His cock was not small and it was obvious he still had energy built up.   "I want to see where it says I cannot hold your hand,   or hug you,  or give you a kiss."

 He stood up and checked the hallway angle to the window.   She said she saw us in the window.  After further examination we found that was impossible.   Confident we had her we began to mount a defense.  I was close to tears.  Tired of being trapped in that place.   Anxious to be out,  and ready to loose it completely.   tears running I looked up and another member of staff was standing in the hallway.  This guy,  well,  I am half ashamed (only half)  to say I milked his compassion for me.   He had a thing for me.

One day couple weeks before this happened,  This guy and I were alone in the transport van on the way back from an appointment. 

"You know Lilith,  I was trying to figure out who you remind me of,  your personality.   Then it dawned on me when I saw you dressed like you are today."  he said while driving me back to TheHouse from a doctors appointment.  

"You ever watch that show NCIS?"

"Yeah it's one of my favorite shows"  I replied.

"Well you remind me of Abby.  She is my favorite Character,  so hot."

He always went out of his way to say hi.  Ask how I was or if I needed anything.  So when I saw him standing there I turned the water works on full bore.  I balled and ranted. 

"Is everything OK Lilith?"  he asked but as soon as I looked at him and he saw the tears.  The rosy cheeks and the heaving chest.  His face softened and his stature changed.   I already won and I knew it.

"No why can't they just leave us alone?   I am a 40 year old woman,  I am not stupid!"  I said,  although in hind sight.   I really was.  "There are people here with HIV,  do you really think I am that dumb?"  I lamented and pointed to CellBlockSexy  "We were just snuggling watching videos on YouTube.   We find peace with each other.   What do they want?   Us rocking in the corner depressed or do they want us to have good friendships and get along with people."

  I wheeled up to the table and pulled out our tobacco and rolling machine.  Started rolling cigarettes.  He walked over to me and put his hand on the top of my head.   

"It's OK girl,  I'll have a talk with her."  

He did,  and it went away until the next morning.  TheWickedWitchOfTheWest confronted us.  CellBlockSexy took that moment to play our wild card.  He asked me for the Hand Book I had in my bag from the night before and dropped it on the table in front of her.  

"Show me in this handbook where it says I cannot kiss her.  Hold her hand,  or give her a hug?"
He said,  calm and cool.   "These faggots here in this place fuck on that couch all the time.   They do not get any shit for it.   Why do we?"   He crossed his arms  "It's just jealousy.   Pure and Simple.  We know who it is who is talking about us like this."   

  And we did.  Didn't want to see it.  Didn't want to deal with it.  But eventually we had to.


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