Saturday, April 26, 2014

Simmerin' not so slowly.....

  We found the time to talk,  share and explore.   Living at TheHouse,  fraternization between the clients was frowned upon.   But where there is a will there is a way right?   The night after we played the truth game we found ourselves back at the picnic tables playing rummy.  It got old quick and I climbed out of my chair and stretched out on top of the picnic table.  He sat on the seat and smiled down at me his fingers in my hair.

"You have a beautiful face,  your eyes and jawline so soft and feminine."  he said as he outlined my Jaw, ear and hairline with his fingers.  "Why do you always put your hair in front of your face?  You should pull it back more often."  He moved my hair behind my ears and kissed my for head.

 He inspired me,  I sketched a lot.   Various things,  just whims mostly;

  A Muse I guess, in the end, it reiterated the definition of one.
One i spewed at HisRoyalRascalness once.
"A Muse is meant to inspire creativity not self improvement or personal growth.  That comes from within."

  I wanted him to touch me.  I wanted to feel his warm skin.  I wanted to be closer.  He did not go beyond hair stroking and kisses on the forehead.  Not until I asked him why he was holding back.   I was not,  as I had thought,  because of TheHouse rules.  He laughed when I asked and shook his head.

"I will not do anything you do not initiate.  I will not assume or take liberties."  He sat back.

  I understood,  I took my hands and placed them on his cheeks pulling him to my face.   

"Well I want to kiss you."  I said.

"Really?"  he joked,  "are you sure?"

So I pulled him in the rest of the way and Kissed him softly.  He groaned,  PrettyBoy was sitting across from us at another table.  

"Oh God guys,"  he said,  "I don't want to see this."  he said and rolled over on the picnic table eyes buried in his phone.  As time went on the next few days,  PrettyBoy became more and more jealous.  Attacking us and our growing relationship.  Criticizing the music we played,  which is one huge thing we had in common.  Angry that we paid so much attention to each other and not him.   Attacking us wherever he could.  Whether it was  consciously or subconsciously,  he started to cause issues. 

  CellBlockSexy really liked PrettyBoy.  Before it became obvious there was jealousy brewing,  we had planned on maybe getting a nice place together the three of us.  Sharing the rent and keeping close.  When things went sour with my PrettyBoy,  I found it changed me.   What little trust I had in me got smashed.   It effected everything there after.   It still does, it probably always will.

  While I was there and in the chair I had PrettyBoy make a run or two to the CVS on the corner.  If I was too tired or my arms hurt too much to scoot my self there and across Federal Highway.  Busy street and not the most attentive of drivers.   It wan't until later I realized how I had been used.  I do not think he did it intentionally.   I think it is just part of the sickness of drug addiction.  I Forgive him,  and I miss him.  I wish him all the luck in the world.   

  I would send him over for something,  chocolate when I had PMS for example.  Tell him he could get something for himself.   He would come back with 3 bags full of things and disapear to his room with all but what I asked for.  I didn't see what was happening.   Until one night I sent him on a run for Soda and snacks.   I turned to CellBlockSexy.

 "What Kind of soda do you drink?"  I asked.  He shrugged and squeezed my hand, 

"You don't have to get me anything."  he said and ran his hand along my leg which was rested over his knee.  "I'm fine."

"OK one more time,"  I said and I bent my leg gripping his knee with it lifting myself up and closer to him.  Peering over my glasses at him.  "What kind of soda do you drink?"

He laughed and squeezed my thigh.  "Pepsi,  or Mountain Dew"  

I looked at PrettyBoy and said  "OK then SodaPop for us all and get a bag of those gold fish."

"Oh!  I love goldfish!"  CellBlockSexy interjected.

"Wonderful."  I said and handed PrettyBoy my Food Stamp card.  "Get yourself a snack too.  Thank you for doing this."

  While PrettyBoy went on the run it left CellBlockSexy and I some alone time.  We kissed and talked.  It felt so good to be close to him.  He kissed me once and pulled back.   His hand gently caressing my jawline and ear.

 "You are so kind and giving, and you do it without hesitation.  That is so rare Lilith."  He kissed me a lil deeper than he had so far,  this time his tongue separating my lips.  He took the breath from me, and I heard PrettyBoy's voice.

  "Jesus you guys.  Give it a break,  I am here now,  try not to stay in yer own world all the time."  He said as I turned and looked at him.   There was a small lurch,  nothing big.   It should have been huge. It wasn't until CellBlockSexy and I were alone that I really began to see exactly what had been happening.  Again whether intentional or not.  It happened and this is when things began to really heat up.   Both between myself and CellBlockSexy and PrettyBoy.


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