Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gliding across the stove.......

  As I said,  first person I remember meeting was PrettyBoy.   He was a Meth addict who was there for a brainwash.  You could tell as soon as you met him he was a hard core drug user.   We hit it off instantly.  I am not sure why,  but we did.   Inseparable,  utterly and completely inseparable.  We ate together, sat together, and smoked together.  He was gay (like most of the men there)  And I was his fruit fly!

  I doubt he will ever see this blog.  But if he does,  I hope he will forgive my next paragraph.   One thing you have to learn about me is my writing I do not hold back.   I speak my view,  if you don't like it don't read.

Truth,  my drug of choice.

 I call him PrettyBoy not because he was pretty,  not that he was ugly.  I call him that because he is his biggest fan.  Always asking people to snap pictures of him for his social networking sites, changing clothes and dressing up for every possible occasion.  When I finally got my things from BlueShirt,  PrettyBoy snatched the wings up that I wore to my wedding and put them on.

"Hey, Nelly Olson,"  he said,  he called me that because I was a girl and in a wheel chair like Nelly Olson on Little House on the Prarie  "Take a picture of me with these on,  can I have em?"  I laughed and snapped the pictures.  He was always asking for things.  Or more properly stated,  he always is looking for something to add to his collection of things.

He made me feel at home where I had not felt that in a long time.  Felt like I truly connected with someone.   I met a lot of cool people at TheHouse.  I asked all of them before I took a pic if I could put them in my blog once I could get on the ball again.   Those that said yes I will post the rest are for my personal memory.

  Lets see, names for all these people......

Lets call this guy,  *thinks*  Johnson yes that seems perfect,  We will call the first one Johnson.    Not that I ever saw his cock in the flesh.  Gay as hell,  but you cant hide a sausage that size in a pair of jogging shorts or a speedo.   (not that he tried.)

This guy,  he was the most real and kindest man I met at TheHouse.  Jamaican and always smiling!   He had a wife on the islands and was here to make some money.  But in the mean time got sick and had to recoup before he could head back to his home and her.  Diabetic like me and two times the spunk.   (If you can imagine that)

  Name for this one,  ended up being one of my best friends there.  Roomates for most of the time and really understood each other.  AHHH  if I was NellyOlsen,  then this girl,  she was Laura Engles Wilder!   I miss her a lot.  I should call,  I will call.

This guy,  I miss him as much as Laura.  I dunno why I liked him so much.  He was kind,  funny, and he loved a good dirty joke!  Name,  Hmmm...   I dun even know.  AHH omg..  Cicero!  perfect.  My favorite Jester.

  All of the people I met at TheHouse touched me in some way.  Whether positive or negative they all made a mark.   I think,  nay,  I know I left one too.   couple days after I got there,  a client opened the door for me,  one who came into TheHouse after me so I introduced myself.   He laughed and pushed my wheelchair through the door.

"I know your name,  everyone does."

  Yeah wasn't really sure how to take that.  It actually bothered me for a while.  How did I get a rep 3 days after getting here?

 Later he said it was because I was the first person a lot of people saw come in and keep a smile,  talk to everyone whether on the Rehab or on the Respite side of the facility.  

"That's why they know you,  you talk to everyone.  You're nice."

I felt a lil better after that.  But as with everything.  You cannot please everyone.  No matter what you do in your life there will always be someone somewhere who hates it.   Start a foundation to save the Huntsman Spider and someone will hate you because they hate spiders!

   There weren't many,  but there were a couple there who hated my positive and bubbly personality.   One was a nurse,  who we will call,  TheWickedWitchOfTheWest.   She refused me medications a few times because I was a couple minutes late to get them.   I didn't raise a stink.   The  meds were not Important really.  But when she refused my Insulin because I was a bit late....   She earned a Resident Write Up.

  Once the write up was in she lied to the Administrators,  told them she tested my sugar and it was to low,  which is why she refused my insulin.


I ended up with a 450 blood sugar at lunch because this bitch wanted to be a control freak.   And she tells them its because my sugar was to low.   So,  my favorite nurse is on at this point and I went in and asked her to see my Glucometer,  I record the info on the chip that shows my sugar had not been tested that day until after 11 30 am.  And took it to TheWickedWitchOfTheWest.

She left me the hell alone.

But I get ahead of myself.   A lot happened before this.  A whole lot.   I am not sure exactly how I am gonna convey it,  unsure I should convey it all, but here we go.

  One day,  after a long day out of the facility with doctors and tests I came back in time for dinner.   There was a new guy,  this guy was beautiful.   Now I wasn't about to let him see me looking.   He was nice to look at so far and I was not at all interested in Men other than to look at the pretty ones.   And this dude was very hot.  CellBlockSexy,  That's what I will call this one.  Bald, tall, muscular, and the bluest eyes I have ever seen.  I am not completely proud of everything I am going to share,  I am  ashamed of some.   But its all part of the ride,  the journey to where I am and will be.  I have to be honest hey?  When I say things have changed for me,  it has in a large way.

  CrazyDogLady is Born

Keep on Moving

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