Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Buckle up buttercups. How ya like me now.

  I'm Iced over I think.   I cannot even fathom anything right now other than trying to get myself settled in my new job.   People have completely turned me off to....  well,  People.   I feel cave girl mode coming on.  Work,  write,  game. eat and sleep.   All I require.

  People I trust have been talking among themselves about me.  Then I suddenly get Words from them that come from the people they are talking to.  You know what I mean?   Friends Less educated using words you know your more educated (vocab)  friends use.  Then you get the condescending bull shit convos from them separately that scream how weak they believe you are,  fragile and misguided.  OR straight up saying the same things almost verbatim that one of yer other friends say.  So  I am done.

Yer not as sneaky as you may think!

I talk to no one anymore.

I got this shit like a bull by the horns, I dun need to anyway.

  New Job new life,  socialization is becoming a staple for me.  Keeps me on track in a new and unreal way.  Making me realize who is worth it to me as far as the effort I put in and who is not.

Some may think they are not.  But,  they are.  Some think they are but are soon to find.  I really am done.  Have been for a while.

I am about to unleash a new me onto the world around me.  For those of you who stood by me,  who tolerated the insanity as well as the calm.  I cannot wait to show my gratitude.  I am not totally sure all of you will let me.

I will be blogging a bit more now,  I have things to say again.  It's actually making me happy.

Have a awesome Halloween
Blessed Be!

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