Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.

  The more things go on the more I have to laugh at how prophetically things have moved along. Things are just as we were told it would be.  When I say "we" I mean all of us who left the organization and found ourselves in this moment in time watching things happen and seeing the truth of what they said happening before us.   We also know it is a self fulfilling prophecy.  It happened to the Greeks and their gods,  to the Mayans and their gods, Egyptians, Romans, need I go on?

  We like to use anthropomorphism a lot,  We do it with cars or any kind of vehicle;

  "We'll have HER up and running again in no time!"

  We do it with Storms and problems too.  It is also an effective literary tool because it explains the place a person is in and can invoke emotion and thus help the reader experience it more completely,
So why is it so hard for people to grasp that it is totally possible that we have done this with things we have not yet found, will not accept,  or are too lazy to search for the answers to.    Give an image to the things out of our control.   Of course we would do that.   Humans love a good scape goat!

  God is the ultimate scape goat, real or not, THAT’S not what this is about,   In all that I have seen and experienced.  He is an escape goat.    He gets the blame for all the bad and evil in this world. Then in the next breath God will get kudos for anything wondrous or good that has happened.     Completely negating every inch of the blame mankind should shoulder for the mess they are making, and then sucking up all the credit OF THE hard work and sacrifice of the good and amazing mankind is doing to make it happen!

  What the fuck kinda shit is this?  God,  ok,  now on the subject of if he is real or not?   To use a term my uncle's would.

Piss on the pot or get off.

  No matter how many different religions or spiritual beliefs I look at I still see the same thing.   This invisible and illusive figure who promises salvation if you will believe in him and do as he says is right,  or he will punish you in some way,   If pleased he will shower you with utopian bliss.  The only proof we are offered is what we need to still take on faith means the image "WE" created is what it is we would expect if he/she/it/them/ happened to appear before us.  Not just physically but in all ways.   Personality and temperment included.   The most unbelievable thing people cannot seem to realize is.    

  He looks a lot like us.  On-all-counts.

  I always loved the fact that the Greek gods were only strong because the people believed in them...   Once the people stopped praying to them,  they became weak and vulnerable.

  Just a thought.

  We have been told from early on, when we were Jehovah's Witnesses, that as it came to the last days more and more apostates would be attacking "The Truth".   Well...   I just laugh at how this must be holding some of them in "The Truth".   We,  some of us at least,  see that this whole damn thing is not fortold but more,  the only way it could have ended for A fanatical religious cult.  Logic will always win over fanaticism.    It May not seem like it at the time.   The problem is,  it is always the Fanatic that tries to "Take people with them".  

  I am really just floored at some things I have been finding on the web recently.   New recordings people have taken at Judicial Committees,  Public Talks,  Elder's Meetings, and out in field service.   People who are in The Organization but see what it really is.   People who are bravely showing TTATT (The Truth About The Truth).   These are real,  I remember the experiences.   One audio clip was of an Elder literally saying they do not need to do it the Governments way.   Saying they were "Above the Law".   But not in those exact words.    They do believe that as well.   They just tolerate it because it is to them "A Necessary evil".

  The realities of this religion are insane once you really do start to dig and really LISTEN and HEAR what they are saying.  

I was born in so here are some harsh realities about "The Truth"  and what Jehovah's Witnesses Believe.

1. If you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses you will not live in their Paradise.  You will be destroyed with the rest of the world at Armageddon.  This is illustrated in how we used to pick houses out in field service (Knocking on your doors to talk to you about The Good News)  That we would live in after you were killed after Jehovah exacted judgment on you.

  I myself had many fantasies of kids in high school who picked on me a lot burning and me just smiling as it happened because they were getting what they deserved at judgment day.

  Yeah, THINK about that one lust a bit.

2. Only 144,000 will be going to heaven.  All other Faithful JW's will live in paradise earth.

3. The Governing Body in Brooklyn Bethel is the mouth piece of God's word to them with the literature along with their OWN translation of the bible.  No other religious literature or reading is allowed.

4. No Questioning the word as it is put forth by The Governing Body in New York City.  (The board of the Publishing Company that makes the magazines and literature)

5. They do not pay to produce the magazines and literature,  Most of it including materials is gained through Watch Tower run Voluntary Labor.  That’s right.   They Jehovah's Witnesses Volunteer to work in the factories and fields.  Room and board and a small personal need stipend.   At least last I knew.

7. The Publishers and Pioneers pay for the literature before they take it into the field.  I am not, as of yet, sure if it is required to do so or not.  But I know it is how they do it.   I also know any unused Magazines must be returned other wise.  I would be interested to know more about current practice in this regard.

8. Gas for field ministry comes out of the publisher's pocket.  No reimbursement for their money on gas.  I have watched my mother struggle with this.

9. They will not accept blood transfusions.  They would rather die.   Myself,  if it came down to me, and my mother was sick and needed one.  I would tell them not to give it because it was her wishes. No brainer.   Because it is not my wishes that matter, IT is hers and she would not take it,   Her choice.   I wonder if the table was turned.  And I needed one,  I would want it given,  could she abide by mine?  Curious....

10. Yes there is a problem with Pedophilia in The Organization.  They feel they are above the law.  The reality of this truth would shake them at the foundations.   This is why they are screaming "APOSTATE!"  right now.  Smoke and mirrors,  get the attention off themselves.  Use the trigger words that make the sheep dart in the right direction.  

  This is what is happening now.  It is not apostate lies,   we are not "Making things up" 

course you won’t know that unless ya look will ya?   They are kind of banking on that.

 There are many more.  I am just done for now.  Think real hard before you entertain them.  You would get a car fax before buying a car right?  Why wouldn't you protect your family's soul in the same way as you would your family bodies in a car?  Look into it,  both sides of the stories.   There are fanatics on both sides mind you!  Both sides have people with a "Take them with me" attitude.

  My attitude is,  just tell it like you saw and see it.  The rest will come out in the wash.

You are right,
it's a terrible fight,
A massive tug of war!

The only way
to win the fight,
is hide the truth no more!

Stay Honest My Friends





Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Today's Inspiration: The Walrus and The Carpenter

  The Time has come, my little friends.  To talk of many things.  Of lies and cowards, hypocrites, scribes and pharisees!

  Yeah a different way to say it but this Poem has been on my mind an awful lot in the past weeks.   So much so that I dug out something I had not realized was buried deep in the few boxes of things I still have after all the moving around I have done the past few years.  Disney's Alice in Wonderland.

After, of course, my interest in the poem was rekindled by a movie I watched again for the first time in many years with my husband.  Dogma,  you know the one with the late George Carlin who plays the kind of Catholic Priest who would bless his own golf clubs to get a better game.  Which incidentally is what saves the day in the end.    There was a scene in the beginning where The Angel Loki (Matt Damon)  is talking to a nun about this specific poem.  The Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carroll (  The Cartoon is a shorter than the actual poem but always is that way book to Movie.

  The conversation in Dogma between Loki and the nun was the first moment in my life I felt the veil truly slip a little.  I mean truly.  I started seeing things differently.  It's not just me,  other people see this shit too?    The ridiculous fanatical way some people follow religion right over their family, their own health and sanity,  even their own lives.

 It really is time,  I have been stuck on the project for some time.  I have everything I need to finish it, and I have been procrastinating.   I have posted small parts online which I will now remove and get to work on the final product.   I wasn't sure how I was going to do it.  But now,  I am.  Terrified and excited,  but I am tired of holding back a dream because people who tie conditions to their love anyway will get upset with me.    

I am going to write my story.

  So if you do get upset,  make sure what it is you are really upset at.  Now this isn't an easy task, believe me I know.   Took me years to stop hating my family and blaming them for some of the things that happened that were not in my control,  or were my own fault entirely.  Once I knew where to place the blame,  I refocused.  Only problem is, some of the things I say, really hit nerves. Because it is truth.  I know you read my blog.  So you already know,  I wont hide the shit I did either.  In looking back however,  I know also I was a teenager.   Sneaking out,  fibbin about smoking, drinking, lil' pot?   I had a lot of rage in me.  I will explain why too.   These are from memory re sketches of something from my memory during what I think was my late sophomore early junior year.   It adjusted my view on the world so dramatically,  there was no way it wouldn't change me forever.


  I think the first truly horrendous thing I can remember doing was close to the end of my Junior year I got piss drunk and went to school.  Had it all chilling on my window sill before I went to bed the night before.   cup full of beer,  cup full of wine,  and something else but I cannot for the life of me remember.   

  I ate breakfast and downed it all.   I was wasted before I got to school.  I don't remember much.  I remember parts of Homeroom.  I made it to a Study hall mid morning before the Vice Principle (I won't even try to spell his name).   came to collect me after the class.  

*An old highschool Mate just informed me its Mr Periczak*

  He shouldn't have looked me in the eye man,  

   I saw him peg me with his eyes and for some reason I ran straight down the ramp to run past him.    If I remember we both went down.   I was a pretty big girl in High School.   Always have been!  Anyway,  I'm gonna tell all of it,  from my view.  So if you think that you can handle my view of you at every moment we have known each other.   Then please read.  And not just my view of our interactions but also of everything else around me.   It is my right to write.  I can, and I will. 

   Was just Part of what had started snowballing long before I put those booze on my window.   I think it started with the birth of my brother for me.  Only I wasn't so aware of it until later.  My memory is odd.  I remember a lot of my child hood before 8 or 9 then kinda foggy then 15 16 17 it clears into a vivid array of Color...   I am simply going to talk....  I'm not really sure what to expect.   What I do know,  is that it seems to work with blogging.   Maybe it will work that way too.   

  If I'm not here so much,  blogging,  know I am busy with that.   But I got a feeling,  There will be frustrations ignited.  I will need to vent!

Always show love my friends!





Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mrs Branco if you please...

  Signed sealed and final..  I am now Mrs Branco.   Second marriage, shocking a lot of people who have known me for more than 5 years.   Ironically we didn't plan to do it when or how it was done.  But the opportunity presented itself, so we took it.

 My first was full of show and frivolity.  This time,  it was 2 min long and witnessed by some people waiting in line at the clerks office.  A few were happy to see it others were looking at their watches angry it would be taking more time to get seen themselves.  We had not planned necessarily on doing it that day,   mused about it some but nothing serious.

I was glad it was simple and quick.   Our Roommate Leonard Actually paid for the ceremony because they would not let us split payment between a card and cash.    For that we both were very thankful.   We went that weekend to....

  What the fuck,  why can't I write...   with the passion I want to about this?   It's not that the passion isn't there it is.   It's because my passion is consumed a bit by something completely Different.   IT's all BLA BLA BLA about the wedding and all I can think of is,

Why now?

  Why after months of a good relationship with my mother and father,   why after so much time spent again trying to rebuild a bridge is it now back to this point.  The point were the other day I simply told her in text the 2 top reasons I wont be a witness anymore and closed that chat program with a huge sigh thinking to myself;

 "Yes mom,  the end IS near.  You are getting old,  Daddy is getting old.   Our whole life has been one big in and out of each others lives because of that crazy cult and you cannot see it...  Because you think I am going to destroy your faith in "God" and therefore your chance at life forever in paradise."

  I know it's as hard for her to wrap her head around my refusal to be a part of "The Organization" as it is for me to wrap my head around her ability to see she is part of a religion that even refers to itself as Not just "The Truth"  but they call it "The Organization" too.  This same Religion saying that god is going to put a end to organized religion.  To FALSE RELIGION.  But that they are different from all the rest the only "Organized Religion" that is chosen by God.

Why do I feel a little like I am watching a dog chase it's tail?

  I got to really thinking about it.  When things are going well.  When I am happy,  and it is obvious that the hardships I am going through do not immediately send me back into the arms of the love bombing members of The Jehovah's Witnesses,  that is when it happens.   There is always a justifiable reason however.   This time around it was her seeing i speak out about the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.   Been doing it for years,  so this is the reason she chose as the cover story as to why.   Justifiable,  at least by their view.  It is an Apostate sort of language.  The kind that might sway a believer to dig deeper and find out more about what the WTBTS is really doing and what they are about.   Therefor they WARN them to not listen to us.    But the real reason?

  When you are a Witness you are taught there is no happiness outside "The Organization"  That without Jehovah,  meaning The meetings,  Field service, assemblies, book studies.   You Cannot be happy.  Because everyone outside of The Org is in Satan's grasp.

  So this fact,  my outspoken nature on my face book and the internet even tho it has been years of be doing so, along with the new awake Magazine On The practice of Disfellowshipping (see link below)  My mother has decided to shun me again.

  This means no more contact.  In the past this meant they would walk right by me in the store as if they did not see me:

Things that would get people Disfellowshipped are things ranging from Adultery, gambling, and masturbation to simply questioning the organization and how they do things or how they Interpret
 the Bible Or even as i did question their policy on how to handle a child molester.

Link to article:[search_id]=b43c97b9-4523-4373-99d9-87f5dfecc4f6&insight[search_result_index]=2

Right when my life has started to settle.  Suddenly,  I am told I am told I am bitter,  and that there are decisions to be made.  That my life style and choices make it impossible for her to watch me do it anymore.

  Lifestyle choices...  Hmmmmm...  

I don't "Celebrate"  Easter Christmas Thanksgiving or any of those holidays.

I don't do Drugs (I do not classify a Sprinkle of pot in the morning so my toes will flatten out and my legs will stop hurting well enough to let me walk around and get my day going as using drugs.)  I don't use Meth or Heroine or any other of those kinds.   I don't even drink Heavily.   I drink less than most JW's do.

I am Married and working Day to day to survive like the next person.

I do struggle with cigarettes

SO what lifestyle could she mean?

OH!  I know.

  Sorry mother,  I will not stop speaking out about the Policies and Procedures that keep Pedophiles comfy and active within the walls of The Organization.  I will not Stop speaking out about the lies and deceit that have utterly convinced me so many people are giving their time, energy and money to an Publishing Company who allows its "Sales Reps"  (Publishers & Pioneers) to live in consistent Financial hardship while they buy Mansions in Europe and the Caribbean.   While those 7 men (or is it 6 now)  sit getting fat and rich on the money the "Sales Reps" send them for the magazines and literature they don't even have to pay for the labor to create.   While they are spending their money one Material things and LAWSUITS because finally some people are coming forward and holding the org accountable for Covering up and hiding the identities of Pedophiles within The Organization.  A  Practice that allows for a offender to molest GENERATIONS of Girls in a family...

  So if this is a problem,  Speaking truth about such a grievous act as misleading people in this manner and trying to keep it from happening to even one more person as it has happen to me and YES even to you.   Then so be it.  And if I am honest,  I am not at all surprised and still a little ashamed that my family couldn't have the balls to put him in Jail.  To get him and the girls he hurt some help.

  It's OK.   Remain Complacent.   That's how a good sheep is.  Simply stands in line for sheering,  gets it done and wanders off shivering into the cold barn deaf dumb and blind to the fact it was robbed of what it needs to stay warm.  Or at least used to it happening and just dealing with it because it does not think it has any other choice if it is to live.

 So when a person is happy "out here",  which is what they call it.   "Out in the world"  It has a varied effect on people in The Organization.   Some figure it's just fake, a show so that the "Lost sheep" can hide his unhappiness from the people he loves and "Show them how wrong they are."  Some withdraw completely their support.  As stated in the above article.   When a person is disfellowshipped they loose all they had as friends and family for support.  Emotionally,  Financially, spiritually.   Basically you become a ghost.    My father drove/walked right by me several times and didn't even look at me.   Acted like I didn't even exist.   The woman in the last paragraph of the article I posted above said it in a very diplomatic way.  

"In the long run Despite the pain it brings good results.  Had I been tolerant of my son's Bad conduct he would never had recovered."  March 2015 Awake Magazine

 Let me elaborate,   Basically,  they cut him off.  All of the family and friends he was conditioned to believe were the only ones he could trust.   All others outside of The Organization are "Evil and in Satan's Control"    Those he trusted Cut him off in all ways of support.  They ignored him.

Need a ride to work in the rain?   Too bad yer disfellowshipped
Need some food?  Too bad yer Disfellowshipped
Need a place to stay?  Too Bad....

You get the idea.  So no wonder so many youth go back to The Org after being Disfellowshipped!  They are scared to death!  Wouldn't you agree?


Now I am not saying ALL of the JW's are this way.  Some are not quite as fanatical.   If I was Destitute my parents would come through for me.   the shame is.  That is all they know about me. They only know me as the daughter that is in trouble,  Never mind the years in between when things were good They didn't know that woman because they wouldn't associate with me.   This is because like good sales men they are taught to hit hot buttons.  Find the right spots to hit to grab a persons attention and make them easier to convert.

  In the ministry school,  we are taught as we approach a house to notice things in the yard,  Are there toys?  Signs on the lawn against a current war or evil in the world?  Religious symbols of any kind?
God forbid there was any indication there was a death in the family.  Like any good sales person they will use this information to "Sell" their product.  They will play heavily on those who have lost a loved one,  who are sick or who are anguishing over the state of the world affairs.

  So when a Disfellowshipped or non believing  family member is in dire need.   Comes to a funeral for a family member at a hall.  Or generally is in a bad place, this is when the "Love Bombing Starts.  But if when things clear up for the person and they do not embrace "The Truth"  it goes back to where things are now with my Parents and I.

  "We are on separate paths,  the end is near and decisions need to be made,  I love you, but I love Jehovah more."  and that's where it ends.

  We,  My Husband and I,  are finding our feet and able to get things done in our world.   Coupled with the fact that I refuse to stop speaking out about the bad that The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society does has made it so she cut me and my new husband off.

  They are conditioned to believe there is no happiness outside of The Organization.  Well I hate to burst your bubble.  But life is life inside or out.  The only difference is.

In,  your mind,  money,  time, and future belong to 7 rich men in New York.
Out your mind,  money, time and Future are YOURS to create!

Its funny to me, Even after all these years of freedom from The Organization how hard it is for people inside to see what they have become..   Zombies, robots, people who were told they have no soul. They believe they are Soulless.  Slaves to "Gods Organization"

I was born into The Organization in 1974, the year before the world was supposed to end. I remember being very young.   Hearing my mother joke about it;

"We didn't plan on her making it to kindergarten,"   A chuckle and a smile tightening her lips around words that seemed painful to her  "but now she is in first grade!"  

  The people around her laughing in the same way.  Aunts and Uncles..  her brothers and sisters.  Seven in all, all but 3 at the time were in the "Truth", True members of God's Organization. As a child her smile and giggle was seen by me as joy!  Soon!  I will have my pet Elephant!  

As we grow older, the things once held dear,  can out themselves as Foolish and Unreasonable later in life.   Now,  When  I look back and see and hear her My adult and more educated mind cringes.   In all the love I felt as a member of The Organization, the smiling faces, the warm hugs, the helpful congregation of "true Christians".  It wasn't long before The Baptism of Stains began.

I don't know what it is that made US different?  What made us, the many who did see what harm The Organization does.  How were we blessed with eyes that saw the trolls lurking in the "tween spaces",  Ears that heard the whispers of deceit and demoralization?  Those evils that the others seemed happy to either accept,  ignore,  or grow completely blind and dumb to?  How were our minds opened?   It took YEARS to learn to ask that question, and learn to stop asking the question.

"How can I open their minds?".

You are right!
It's a terrible fight
a massive tug of war!

The only way
to win the fight,
is hide the truth no more!

Remain Steadfast with Intergrity my Friends!