Thursday, November 27, 2014

***3 More Days** (rounding up)

   This is how it has been for us my Mojo.  At first just jaw dropping similarities that made us both back up a sec and go "No way".  This lasted  not even a day and we were checking each other's stats again making sure we had the right information.   Then we dug deeper.   Fears and expectations,  what we wanted from our lives and what we wanted IN them.  All the while exploring the sexual and sensual sides of each other in the best way possible in this venue.  Text and audio and video exchange.  Most of it being banter and tease.  What really can you accomplish in this venue?

More than you think,  and not nearly as much as is necessary.

  We have spent a lot of time together.  He has seen me in total fuck off mode.  Screaming at shit and people out loud when no one but him can hear.  Crying from my toes at nothing really.  He as seen me scared to death and in pain physically.  I have seen him in all but one of the same.  Until recently.
Pain changes people...

I cannot wait until all of the things I see in pictures is no longer in pictures but reality.   I watch him fall to sleep and he watches me sleep as he gets ready for work.

We kiss goodbye

Or hello!

I am done with the wait!!!

  I been asked many things when people ask about who he is and whats going on.  Most popular comes in many varieties.  

"Isn't that crazy?"

"You don't think that's a little crazy?"

"He could be a freak"

Yes it is
Yes he Could be

I am a little bit Crazy
He is a little bit Crazy

  So what?  He is a hard worker,  has respect.  A kind of respect you do not see here in the USA.   Sorry boys.  Different,  not better,  just different.   Why not go fer it?  So I am.   Three more days and I will be able to learn even move about this guy who has utterly blown me away and he hasn't even kissed me yet.

  Yep spending Thanks Giving alone again this year.  But Ironically,  I don't feel so alone.  I have had an amazing day of gaming till I couldn't see no more and most of all quite.  Peace and calm and some badly needed nesting.   Making space for someone,  making it comfy.   

  But not making myself crazy.  Yet....

Stay positive my friends!


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