Monday, September 30, 2013

New Attitude, New Digs, new Perspective!

  Well Happy Monday to everyone!  Wonderful weekend full of just the right mix of Debauchery and good decision making.   In my opinion.  Tho my friend,  he would say we were horrible Humans.  Managing to get yourself into trouble again.

Are you alive?
Are you smiling?
Did you hurt yourself or anyone else?


  I am also learning in a  interesting way that it isn't always yer fault if ya hurt someone.   All you can do is be honest,   be true to yourself and your word.   If people try and see something that isn't there.  It's not yer fault they got hurt.

It's theirs alone.

I have a lot going to be happening in the next few weeks.  So many things to get done.  But I will get them done.    I spent this last weekend in the most positive way,  i feel energized and solid.  I feel ready to take on my tasks.

  I have also learned recently,  there is a new person in my life who has proven to me that I can have faith in them.   Believe in them,  know they will always be there.  I have gained a good companion and ally in him.  Regardless of everything.  We always seem to come back to where we were and are now.

I cherish these kinds of people.  I will continue to.  It's a small list of people in my life right now who have the right in my mind to call me "Friend"  and to ask or expect anything from me.  He has become one of them.  He was the subject of my "International Man of Mystery Blog"

My dear friend
My Mirror.
Thank you.

So In the next few weeks I am embarking on an new path.  One that has never been walked by me.  I am both excited and scared all at the same time.  But I won't give up.  I will keep fighting.  Because I know I am able, i know the people in my life are good,  and I know I am good.

With or without.
It's fabulous.

An alteration of this "I don't give a fuck"  mentality.   It's not about not giving a fuck,  it's about giving the right kind for the right people and circumstance.

I will continue to love as I do and not be afraid of getting anything in return.
I will give what I get.
I will give what I can,  Cherish what is given,  and expect nothing more.

Light and Love
Blessed Be!

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