Thursday, February 19, 2015

Yes, I apologize.

  I have come under attack from both sides.  Interesting to say the least.  On one side, the JW side I am being told I am bitter,  and that I have not been able to let things go.  Because I post funny pictures that help me see the bright side of the bad side to the result of me deciding I didn't want to be a part of "The Organization"  And because I still speak out about the policies and procedures that allow pedophiles to continue to abuse children within its walls.

  On the other side I have been called an Apologist because, as I stated in my last blog, (  I separate the actual Jehovah's Witnesses from The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.   Because I do not hold all of a group accountable for the bad actions of a few.

  It pains me to see Ex JW's who hold on to the "US and THEM" thinking,  the Black and white mentality that keeps so many in this world from exploring the true wonder it holds.   I see Blanket statements from both sides.

"Atheists are all just angry people with no moral compass"

"JW's (or religious people for that matter)  Are all just judgmental arrogant mindless and brainwashed."


That's like saying all Gay men and Effeminate Or all Effeminate males are gay!  Blanket statements...  Lumping all people in a group into one judgement because there are a few bad seeds.

There are pedophiles who are atheist,  and there are Religious people who are Non Judgmental!  After an argument of sorts with my mother which basically meant I was informed I was bitter and needed to wake up before it was too late.  (meaning I was going to die at Armageddon which is right around the corner as it has been as long as I can remember.)  Actually they said the end was coming in 1878,1881,1914,1918, 1925 and 1975 The year after I was born.


  I sat thinking,  Since I was 17 for reasons both my own and my parents there has been a open and slam policy with the door to their lives.  Those who know me,  those who have spent more than a year in my life know this.  They have seen it.   Hot and cold running Parents.   Why?   In the beginning it was because I was VERY VERY vocal about my anger to them.  I was a teenager.  I did not know where to place the fear, hurt, and resent meant I was feeling so I landed All of it  in their laps.  They did not deserve it all.  What was happening to us as a family was not all their fault.  I held some of the blame,  they held some,  and The Organization held some.

  I had no Idea how to place it.  So in the beginning, as a child does,  I rebelled.  Drinking drugs, sex, parties.  I was mean and verbally abusive to my parents at times.  And to the elders.    I had lost the ability to stuff down the hurt and the anxiety.   With my first flash back and surfaced memory of abuse,  it shook free all of my ability to control my filters.

As time went on I adjusted my view.  I realized the truth of the matter is.   If my Parents had not been Jehovah's Witnesses.  If they had not been a part of The Organization.  The man how molested myself and 2 other members of my family would never have gotten as far as he did.   It would not have been hidden long enough for my mother to have called me as recent as the past 10 years to get more info on what happened because the issue had arisen again.

  If it were not for the 2 witness rule and the "guidance" given by The Governing Body in the "Shepard the Flock" book The elders are only allowed to see...   My Father,  My Mother,  As much as they love us would have put that man face first in Jail.   I saw it in his eyes when we talked about it.  My father was pissed.  He felt, however, his hands were tied.

   If not for the influence of MEN,  the Governing Body.  If not for the influence of The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society.  There would be little or no shunning.   There would be fewer cover ups of the pedophiles..  A lot would be different.  If they would take only the Bible.   Read it.  Heed Psalms 146:3  That tells us not to put our trust in man,  and 1Timothy 2:5 Stating there is one Mediator between God and Man.   Would Jesus have allowed a known Pedophile to continue?  Would Jesus have sent him off or warned children to stay away?  Or would he have allowed these children to remain in the presence of a predator?

This logic does not stick with most people caught in a mentality of fanatical Religious Nature.   Choked by Cognitive Dissonance.  Seeing a truth that contradicts something that would shake the foundations of a reality that would mean a lifetime of pain and hurt caused by fallacy.   A lifetime wasted?  A family torn to shreds by a farce a kin to Jones town?

   You got to ask yourself.  If it got to that point,  would you drink the cool aid?  Blindly doing what 7 rich men in Brooklyn tell you is what god says is the proper thing.  Or a really Rich guy in Italy.   Or some rich guy in Iran who tells you to go suicide bomb some building to get your virgins.  It's all the same insanity in my eyes.  Letting a man or Men put themselves between YOU and YOUR salvation.  Exactly what Psalms and 1 Timothy says is wrong.

  Now somewhere in the middle of my marriage I stopped voicing my opinion to my family unless asked.  I voiced it among people who had the same views.  I did not shove My Ideals down their throats.  That went well until recently.   Now regardless of how little I myself may attack either side.  Because some of the people who are in the "group" I am in I have been lumped in with those who are still bitter.  The same people like John Cutright who Removed my Posts because they disagreed with his.   Because they were logically an answer to his calling me an apologist because I will not say ALL Jehovah's Witnesses are evil because a few bad seeds.  On the JW side I am being told I am bitter,  angry and evil because the people who comment on my posts are.

Do you see the ridiculous cycle?

Guess what?

Yer right John,  I am an apologist.    I apologize for intolerant assholes who cannot see in anything but black and white.  I apologize for people who hate because they fear what they do not understand I apologize for the waste of space humans on this planet who just really add nothing but negative and unproductive bullshit to the air.

I apologize.  For those of us humans who cannot entertain another Idea and realize it does not have to alter our own if we do not want it.  But who also do not realize that if that idea presents a truth that maybe it SHOULD alter our view a little.

That is how we grow and learn to be better humans.   So,  by all  means to anyone who feels the need to remain ignorant and lost in a sea of uneducated and one sided fear of the realities of the world.   I am sorry that you could not free your mind of the idiocy that put you there.   And I do hope one day you can learn to see the world in color.  Black and white is so depressing and boring for me.

I love the color in my world:

There's a lot of things about myself I still have yet to discover.  This place,  helps me dig even Deeper into who I am and where I can go   How far I can push Myself before its no longer beneficial.  You will  find me in many forms moods and places.  The Internet satisfies a need in me to have as much color in my life as possible.  I spent most of the first years of my life living in black and white.  Choked by *Cognitive Dissonance .

When I walked away from that I decided to take in ALL the color I could.  I will answer questions concerning this if you wish to know.   But it will also come out in conversation often.

Being as The internet is one of the many places I come to for color that means I also check the colors against my own skin tone.  Is it something I care to or would like to wear?  Unfortunately, however, i also find that some shades do not keep my interest for long.   Others are tattooed on me,  permanent displays of my own color.   This variety of color comes from many sources.  People,  places,  ideals and Emotions.  All examples of Color.

So I make myself a canvas here. Color I like rubbing off on me because i get real close to examine it, too close in some cases.   Even the hues that i hate and even regret letting someone smear are treasured reminders of what didn't exactly go with my scheme.  

 So bring your brushes if you wish and lets see if our schemes blend well on the canvas.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Before I continue/Steadfast with Integrity

  I need to make a distinction for you.   So people understand more where I am coming from when I speak about The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society I am not including the people who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.   This distinction is even enforced now by The Governing Body and their legal departments so that any future legal issue arises in a congregation they can speak truth about themselves for a change, but only to save their own skins.   I mean now, if  a legal issue arises they can simply claim they are publishing company and separate from each congregations actions.  Meaning if your following what is told you by the organization ever causes a legal action against you or your Kingdom Hall  You are on your own.    IE:  If you do not report an allegation of child molestation to the authorities because of any reason;

It will shed a bad light on the organization,

I am being pressured by Elders and family to not speak of it for the above reason or I will loose my entire family's love thru "Marking"  or "Disfellowhipping"

It is an elder who did it and you do not want to chance you and your child's chance at paradise by "Shedding a bad light on Jehovah's Organization"

Or,  You just plain feel it should be left in Jehovah's hands and to let the Congregation Elders "Shepard The Flock"

Because the Elders say so?

 If it is ever found out,  and you know always truth finds its way in.  At that point YOU will be responsible,  you will be put on trial,  Whether or not you were the one who did it.

You Knew,
You kept yer mouth shut
You allowed it to happen.
You should be held accountable.

See I don't know,  TO some degree yes,   But the punishment should fit the crime....

SO Reason number one I separate the WTBTS from The Jehovah's Witnesses:

1:  Their own prophets do it.

    Note:  If you scoff at the use of the word prophet,  here let me help ya out..

a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration.
  1. a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel:
    Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets.
  2. (often initial capital letterone of the Major or Minor Prophets.
  3. one of a band of ecstatic visionaries claiming divine inspiration and,according to popular belief, possessing magical powers.
  4. a person who practices divination.
Yeah so your own prophets do it so I will do it as well this is the number one reason.

THe witnesses really are in for the one reason I do not think religion should be "banned" or "attacked"  There is joy in religion,  love and hope.  There are many who practice religion and are not in any way fanatical.  Good and Bad in all things.

The Witnesses simply want what we all want.  Happiness and hope for better things.  TO be part of something  bigger than themselves.

  The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (WTBTS) is a Corporation.  The Witnesses are unknowing free sales team to distribute and "get Donations"  for them.   But if you wanna be real.  The followers "Pay" for the literature before they take it out to place.  So who really supports this organization?

 They believe what they preach.  They are good people.  But because they do as the Governing Body says and take in no knowledge other than what it is they get from the WTBTS.  They do not see the reality of the system they are a part of.   The Governing Body tells them to avoid people who know the reality to protect what they have.   That's 7 million + world wide giving their time and money to the organization for one simple payment.   Promise of everlasting life.   Living for ever.

They just want salvation.  The WTBTS is sellin it to them.

They however rarely see this truth.   Because they have been fitted with blinders by the Governing body.  Completely negating what is said at 1 Timothy 2:5  Stating clearly there is one Mediator between God and Man. Jesus Christ.    Or Psalms 146:3  Warning not to put your trust in Man to whom no salvation belongs.

 So I will reiterate.  When I speak about the WTBTS it is different from The Jehovah's Witnesses.  Now if you hear me use the word "Organization"  from here on out.   It refers to both parties at once.

  That being said I cannot help that they themselves cannot see the separation the WTBTS has put in place.  The same ones who "Prophetically" have over and over again predicted the end of the world causing married couples to delay having children because it would be too dangerous to have screaming child while they are being chased by those who turned on religion.  Only to find they have grown to old to ever try.   Or,  people sold all they had and used their time and money in the field work and trying to save others who had not heard "The Good News" yet before Armageddon came.  Leaving themselves and their family's without the means to survive in some cases.

  So please in the future,  for those of you who are still Jehovah's Witnesses,  remember this if you continue to read.  Reading this blog is a choice you make.   Let it be your choice do not force it on others.  I do not do it myself if people cannot handle what I feel and believe.  They don't have to.   If someone is happy I am happy.

  So in that regard to whoever it was who thought they should go ahead and speak to my mother about what I blog about here.  Good Job!  What a stand up human being you are.   She knows I blog and chose not to read it.  Because she knows My ideals are different from hers.  But also sees me happy that she is happy in what she does.   And as sad she cannot do as much as she used to because of her health.  I was reconnecting to her in tolerance and understanding.   As a daughter as it should be.

  I supported her endeavors because I saw the joy it brought her.   I would have driven her to meetings if It was needed and I could.  Because it makes her happy.  Now you,  on the other hand,  took what I believe and shoved em down her throat.  Good job,  I hope when you think good about having done it that it has benefited you in some way.  Because guess what.  It didn't hurt me a bit.  You hurt OUR MOTHER.   You made her decisions for her,  you decided she needed to hear my beliefs even tho she has already known them.

I have been blogging and Vloggin like this for years,  and you do this now?  Was I to close to her?  Were we having a good relationship and you couldn't handle it?

I would love to know.

I Challenge you here and now to come and talk to me.   Have some balls and stop using Her to take a swing.

Or are you afraid I just might out gun you?

I will not skip a beat dear.  I will remain who I am,  respecting others right to their beliefs and exercising mine.   Of course I think that is why you have always done this.   accentuated others faults to hide or distract from your own.   Because you cannot stand I live as I do and am Happy.   After all we were told that was impossible right?  Not without The Organization.

Remain Steadfast with Integrity my friends.