Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Truth Game

  One of the most difficult things in a relationship.  Any kind be it friendship or Lovers is keeping communications open.   It can make or break even the strongest of bonds.  When I was a child I would spend lots of days at my cousins house in the country where I was born, or there about.  I learned to trust that real and good relationships and marriages could exists by watching them.   They knew what worked and hand it down to a science.   It was through them I learned the meaning and experienced emotional arousal,  and what I wanted from the man I could,  and would grow old with.

  They had a routine,  every night the same thing.  They would make tea and sit at the kitchen table talking not about bills or religion.  They talked about them their day happenings in the family.  Only ever positive.  Ending with them making love.  HE was so loving.  He told her often,  little touches as he passed her when the kids were around.  when he thought we weren't watching,  there was full on groping.    I fell in love with love through them.

 I have found the one who shown me why all others did not work out.  Why they were not meant for me.

Because I was waiting for him.

 The truth game

   My life since I have gotten divorced has had me on many "ships".   Friendships and lovers but I have always found few people are able to really understand the meaning of communication.  A Lesson I learned from my cousin and her husband.  It isn't gonna work unless both want it that way.

  Today is my Mojo's Birthday.  I hate that I cannot be there with him so we hang out on skype gaming.  It's what we do every day.  I in my mind wanted to do something different and just was struggling.  Even my roomate said I should do opposite of what we do normally!  It was Mojo that reminded me of a game i learned to play in the past few years.  The truth game.   It's simple really,  if you are in the same space.  Get a peice of paper and a pen and write at the top of the paper "TRUTH" and from there on out you take turns,  writing one truth on the paper.  It is an interesting game.  It's made me some life long friends.

  HE expressed a desire to talk more.  That we didn't enough.

The truth that lead to the truth game on Mojo's birthday

He was right,  we spend all our time gaming.  Together, yes but it still isn't talking, sharing or doing exactly what it is that I saw in my cousin's marriage.  We played the truth game for only a short time and the lines of communication opened.  Flood gates of truths.  Not about bills,  not about religion, but about US.  Some things I had been stewing about inside.  His desires for us to be together making it harder to sit and "be looking in" and do nothing more.   I was feeling the same.

  For those of you who question.  Who think the possibility of love happening in the way and place it is happening with me and Mojo.  I feel a great deal of pity for you and the peice of your heart that will never know the joy I have found not just in the relationships I have here in my own home town.  Friends and lovers of the past.  Those I have had in my physical space.   But in the friendships I have found and the Love I have finally realized I can have In people from thousands of miles away.

Stay open my friends

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