Thursday, June 18, 2015

Welcome to The Rabbit Hole.

   Been a while since I was able to put myself infront of this computer and actually articulate for any length of time.  Many reasons,  most of which are really not necessary to share.  The biggest reason is this.  I have begun to tie up loose ends and put into action a plan I started in motion more than five years ago.

The White Rabbit is going live...

  First is a radio show I will be doing on a regular basis only thing left is the program needed to pipe through live callers.  I am working on getting the money together to purchase it and then I will be able to do it.  Right now I am going to have to record the calls and then play them on the air.  So bear with me while I work out the tech issues.

 For those of you interested in listening in or sending in comments while I am on for me to read on the air you can send them to me on FaceBook,  or Skype  @ djpeppermintpatty  IF you do not wish your name be read on the air.  Let me know otherwise you will be put on blast!  This show is a In your face no holds barred truth about not just "The Truth"  but about the disorders that are created by mind control cults and other kinds of abusive situations.

  You can tune in by computer or phone

URL link:

On your computer click the link and on the black screen click the blue listen link a file will Download called "listen.pls"  OR  Just copy the link and past it into your winamp or media player on your pc (I prefir Winamp)  and it will be saved for future use.


Phones: Just download VLC from the Google Play store (Free)  and click the link it will automatically open for you ;D

Be warned, it is not safe for work

  I have watched and listened for many years to the other Ex JW's on the internet after I stopped making my videos on You Tube and Seen all the same thing.  Drudging upo all the evils and the negitives in the organization.  People keeping themselves shackled to the hurt and demons they had to face while in even tho the locks were undone.   

  It still is going on.  People being thrown out of their homes at very young ages, left destitute because of their inability to adhere to the rediculous rules The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society puts out to it's members.   

 For me however, it is not just about us Ex JW's or those who are newly exiting or Thrown out as I was at 17.  No where really to go but to those friends who I was told were evil and only there to corrupt me.   It is about any and all who are shunned, kicked out and otherwise left destitute because of thier Ideals, beliefs or even sexual preference being unacceptable to thier family or supportsystem. 

  So this is what I am going to try to do, and yes, I am looking for help from those who are willing to give thier time,  Anonomous is about attacking and bringing down,  The Vast Apostate Army is about toppling the Watch Tower,  The White Rabbit,  It is about healing and finding shelter in the war that those two factions are waging in our behalf.  The Rabbit Hole is the Red Cross for the people left with broken legs,  I want to find a way to help those people.  And it is only with the help of those who have healed,  who have been through the battles already and are now standing and see that there is a world worth embracing that it will happen.

Refined version of Rabbit by Roman Doodle (facebook)

  So while I take care of the leagal side of things I ask those who know me and would like to take part to contact me...   I wan't those who see the rabbit,  on a T shirt, a bumper sticker, a button, or a hat to know they can approach whoever is wearing it and say;

  "Hey,  this is my story,  I need some help,  can you direct me where to go?"

 And this is not about spiritual help,  religion or God.  This is about whoever is wearing it to be able to even give a website address or a phone number and tell them to  leave an email or even a Message. And there be a network of people who know in the city that person is where they can go for for many reasons.

Ex Mormon
Ex Catholic

Anyone shut out for being "different"  or Questioning what they are being taught.

  I remember how it was for me.  Alone,  two garbage bags, a park in my home town.  No money, no food, no where to go.   I want to help others to not be in that spot.  No matter the reason.  (whithin reason)

You are Right!
It's a terrible fight
a massive tug of war

The only way
to win the fight
is hide the truth no more! 

Stay helpful my friends