Monday, December 8, 2014

Through His Eyes

  I have said it many times since Mojo and I have begun this trek together.  Seeing thru his eyes has been an amazing experience.  But up until now it has been me I have been seeing.  My heart,  body and mind through his eyes.  Now,  I am seeing America through his eyes.  It  has been one fuck of a roller coaster and it's only been one week.

  I saw it building,  slowly.   His eyes as big as saucers. I didn't understand really why.  Even tho the conversation was telling me what I knew already as the week passed.   Overwhelemed,  and not just because he was far from home.  But also because all of it was so big.   It started while on the back patio having a smoke.

"What is that Big Machine?  Air Condition?"  he asked and pointed to the 2 huge AC units across from us for the house next door.

"Yes,  I dunno why they have two tho,"  I said and his eyes got wide.  He just shook his head and said that it was rare to have AC in Amsterdam,  never mind so huge.   The houses alone were so large.  He just couldn't believe it.  It was dark outside the first night he was here.  So he didn't really see the size.

  Another thing that blew my mind.   This boy from Amsterdam.  Got lost fucked up on american pot.  AHAHAH it was perfect!

  I wasn't sure really what to expect,   other than what it is I saw on a webcam for the many months we spoke that way.   The smile I got when he saw me come on in the morning or roll over and smile into it when I woke,   The look on his face when mine twisted in orgasm with him in pleasure and pain because as time passes it hurt more to do it in that manner than we liked.  Because not having each other to hold on to during and after made it a sad moment more so in the end than a joyful one.  

  Add to this the fact it was my parents who drove me to the air port to meet him with only one simple request of the favor.

"Please try to show some restraint at least."

 No problem,  I can do that and I knew he could.  Respect is something I knew he had in spades.  He knew that there was a time for everything.   The drive to the airport was different,  I tried to hide my excitement but couldn't do it so well.  I suceeded in making my mom think I was scared.  I did have some fears but it wasn't what she thought,  Her mind went right for the idea he could be a serial killer.  For me,  it was;

What if he don't like what he sees?  Regardless of the fact he watched me take showers on webcam.  Seen me head to toe naked just about every day for months.   Seen my body in every important place up close and personal and I saw in his eyes he loved every inch.   

  What if he don't like America?  I mean what if the place utterly pisses him off like it does me sometimes?  What if he gets here and he cannot hack it here and wants to go back.  It might make it impossible for me to go with.  What if I don't want to?  What if I do?

  Before I walked out the door I felt the anxiety rising so I took a Xanex.  I rarely do,  but hell I took a guess and popped one of them.   Good thing too.  Half way to the airport I felt that wave of relax run over me and I sat back and the worries melted into the background and I focused on the reality of the moment.

Who was in the most anxious position here,  Me,  or Him?

Easy, he was in a whole new country.  Nothing was gonna be familiar.  The air, food, clothes, language, water, TV, plugs in the wall, homes, roads, cars, stores, stop lights, event the appliances in our kitchens are going to be different.  First few steps in this country he would meet my parents.  Have to spend a 45 minute drive in the car with them behaving with me with america wizzing by him in the dark.

 So I pulled myself together and got ready for the hour and half wait at the airport for his plane to come in because my father is the king of exaggerated punctuality with my mother who I knew would dodge too much conversation becuse she really wouldnt know what to say.   Part of her wanting to wish me well,  the other realizing my life has been one failed romance after another.  The other wanting to enjoy the excitement of a new love and the happiness i was feeling in it all.  In her true form she walked me to starbucks got us each a over priced crappy coffee and we sat half talking and half playing games on our cellphones.

  "I hope everything goes ok Snoo"  she said barely looking up from her phone.  Both of us a little upset by the fact his plane was delayed 15 minutes,  wanting this to be over for completely different reasons.

 "I am sure will be fine.  Interpool cleared him mom!"  She laughed and shook her head this time looking at me completely.  knowing i was being difficult and calling her on her worry he was in some way dangerous.

 She had seen him on skype before,  knew he was clean shaven and bald so when the time approached she walked with me to the gate he would come out of,  Every bald guy who came from the gate she would ask a little too loud.

"Lilith is that him!?"

  Finnaly after the 5th or 6th time I told her I would know my Mojo!  She was standing just behind me and to the left when I saw him and he saw me.  When it happened I heard her exhale really for the first time that evening and she sighed a little deeper than I expected.  Not quite a swoon but definitely a awww! 

 She saw and felt the look in our eyes and her body language changed.  When he reached out and took her hand to shake it and spoke.  She blushed!  My mother was taken aback by my cute lil dutch guy and my Father saw it.  He grinned and his head gave a shake like it did when he either just fucked with you,  was about to fuck with you or knew he could in the future over something you just did.  

  It was perfect,  and since then my mom and dad have actively been trying to help not just me,  but HIM as well get acclimated and find what it is that is needed to be here.  

  They see what I see.  They know now why it is I trusted enough to say

Come to me my Mojo,  I got you. 

  Once back to the house it was a short dance..  Wasn't long till we got the first fuck out of the way.  We had to,  So many months of cumming over the camera.  The past few weeks of tears after or just awkwardness and a week before him cumming of just not even being interested.  Knowing the real thing was so  close that the idea of masturbating on the camera was fucken stupid and not in any way appealing.   

  I have discovered a pattern.  In me that is,  I tend to like to take  a guy the first time.  I like to be on top.  I like to Take a ride for my first fuck with a man.  I wanna feel him under me.  I had many fantasies of being with Mojo every one of them was exactly the same.  I just fucken took him,  and that is how it was.   That time ad every time there after have not been simple and quick.  We have been anything but impatient lovers.  

  He has been shopping with me,  seen our supermarkets.   The different kinds have been explained. The big chains.  Wal Mart, the smaller ones,  different names for different places here we have Winn Dixi and Publix.  Then Places like Save A lot  and Dollar General,  Then Aldis and the like.   Explained to him why something that You would pay 5 dollars at Winn Dixi you would only pay 1.50 for at Aldi.  Surplus,  Scratch n' Dent,  so on so forth.    

 Again he Made comments about the size of things.   Helped me put away groceries.  I could see a little bit of something in him tho.  I assigned it to his excitement in being here.  I didn't pay any attention to it,  not really.   He picked up a magazine and we went outside.  It was a gun catalog.  Another thing he could not belive about america.  

"No have in Netherlands!  Not allowed!  So Many!"  He laughed and tossed the catalog on the couch beside him.  Next few days he had similar comments about the size of our stove and the fridge.   The ice maker and the general size of the home we were living in.  Americans really do not know how awesome the american cherry is.  They just whine about the pit.

  Well what I didn't know there was a bit of a zit growing under my Mojo's emotional skin.   Overwhelming more than he was saying things were.   Harming himself by not saying so it was.  Pop The emotional zit american Marijuana did.  Yeah,  America pot actually ripped my Dutch boy a new asshole.   But it also forced him to talk about things he needed to get out.  Ended up really helping him settle into his place here.

  He was fine smoking it the way I do.  A Little mixed in some tobacco.  But he hit a bong, a little too hard.   Then tried to learn a new 3 person pool game called cut throat in english.  Listen to me and Leanord shooting the shit in english.  He kinda went into turtle mode.   Found him in the bathroom.  Freaking out as if the walls were closing in.  So a combination of this last week of american over sized over indulgence,  homesickness,  too much pot,  and trying to follow me n Leanord learning a new game in a foreign language.  Yeah he went a lil paranoid on himself.  I wrapped my arms a round him and knew he needed what I needed the night I went to pick him up at the airport.  So I pulled out the bottle I hadn't touched since that night a week ago and handed him one.  Went to Leanord and told em what happened and he looked at me head cocked to the side as stoned as Mojo was and said.

"I got an Idea,  Lets go to the park!"  My jaw dropped.  Fucken Perfect!

So I loaded Mojo's ass into Rocky  (Leanord's car)  and we went to the beach and threw a Frisbee around for a while.  Was the perfect Idea.  He fessed up to Leanord and explained why he was feeling anxious.  Leanord understood completely.   I think Mojo made a friend.  Which is perfect.  They are,  after all, around the same age.

The first week has been full of discovery.  There has been no intrusion for me.  Only a warm settling a happy addition to my life as it grows into awesome.  I am so glad I took this leap,  or rather,  I let him take it.  I am glad he trusted me enough to.  So far our pegs are fitting perfect.  Even in the imperfections.



  Stay Open My Friends.